
Quality Rating Guidelines

These are the quality ratings guidelines I've thought of so far.

Guppy Policy

Anyone who comments on a review like a guppy (ex. "OMG your reviews are awesome!") should get at least a warning.

Troll Policy

Anyone who comments on a review in a trollish manner (ex. "This game sucks, and you suck for thinking otherwise.") would of been better off not commenting at all.

Replying to a Comment

All comments have a "reply code" box containing the BBCode to link to that specific comment. Simply copy that code into your comment, and write your reply after it.

If you use the code given exactly as it is, it'll notify the person replied to.

Bad Commenting

Review comments can be reported and subsequently nullified for several reasons, including but not limited to the comment being:
  • junk (ex. nothing written, nothing but punctuation, unintelligible, etc.)
  • inflammatory (ex. profanity, insults, trolling, etc.)
  • irrelevant (ex. "I think they should of used Bruce Campbell to voice the main character")

Rewriting a Review

The only way to write a new review for a game you've already reviewed is to either edit or abandon the original.

Abandoning a Review

NOTE: The abandon review button is an image of a skull.

You can abandon a review if you do not want it to factor into your personal notability and average review credibility.

Review Requests

Adding a game to your library allows other users to request a review of that game from you. This is simply a metric so you can determine what your fans want the most of from you at the moment. Review requests are not factored into any other aspect of the system, and only you can see the number of requests that have been made.

You can also set up email notification (default is 'off') when the number of requests for a game you have exceeds a certain number.

Reviewer Integrity and Review Credibility

All reviewers have an "integrity rating" which starts at 100 (and cannot go any higher).

Various actions can change a reviewer's integrity rating.

Possible Secret Word System

Normally, your favorites feed URL ends in your user ID and is accessible from your public profile. This is called "sharing" your favorites.

I'm considering allowing users to make their favorites RSS feed "secret" by setting a "secret word".